We have recently set up a new way to make donations to St James. Please do use this if you would like to support the church by clicking on this link:


If you are eligible, please fill in the Gift Aid details as it will increase the amount the church will receive by 25%.

Regular giving

We have been able to keep our heads just above water during the Covid-19 pandemic due to the generosity of our regular givers who make a monthly, quarterly or annual donation to St James’ by standing order.

Our need for funds for St James’ future

Our church needs financial support to continue to operate as a traditional parish church, but also as a community hub. Without another communal building in the village, the church building is in need of repair and some updating to enable it to be a functioning physical space as well as a calm space in which to reflect and find peace. We also want to share the heritage of this special ‘church in the farmyard’ with the wider world. We will be launching an appeal to raise funds for these works very soon, but if you are interested in making a donation of any size towards the physical upkeep and improvements, please contact our Church Wardens, Treasurer or Secretary.


Thank you so much.